Image of large tires and a suspended truck

Are you starting to feel the heat in Kearny Mesa? The warmth from the sun can bring a lot of joy to many people in the area, but one thing that it can wreak havoc on is your car. Let’s face it, we all depend on our cars daily, and if it wasn’t for our automobiles, we aren’t sure how we would get from point A to point B with ease. If you can’t imagine what life would be like without your car, then you should be intrigued by the following list of tips on ways you can decrease the chance that you will need to visit your local auto repair shop in the area, Kearny Mesa Automotive.

  1. Have you checked your tires lately? Checking your tires is easy, and it can drastically improve your safety while out on the road and even bump up the gas mileage your car has to offer. Tires that are underinflated can lead to many scary realities of the road, including hydroplaning in wet conditions and even a blown out tire while driving down the interstate.
  2. When was the last time you changed your oil and the oil filter in your car? If you are planning to keep your car running for longer than a few good years, scheduling regular maintenance at Kearny Mesa Automotive is a must. If you want to change the oil in your car yourself, we encourage you to do so! All we want you to know is that changing the oil that your engine guzzles, is a must. When you decide that an oil change can be put on the back burner month after month, your engine will be working overtime to be efficient, making it more likely for your engine to break down in the future.

Stay tuned for our next blog where you will learn more ways that you can decrease the chance of visiting your local repair shop while the nice weather sticks around. Contact us today for more information about making an appointment for your car, truck or SUV!